The Prayer Page
I love prayer - and meditation. I love talking and listening to God - indeed I belive that prayer releases the power of God. I consider that many people, young and old of all backgrounds and beliefs love to pray, for themselves and others and are open to new possibilities of methods/options for prayer. With this in mind I have developed an introduction to prayer workshop and also a "top tips for prayer".
I occasionally run "introduction to prayer" workshops in Brighton & Hove. Please do email me at if you would like to receive details.
Vivienne’s Top Tips for Prayer
1) Decide to pray
2) Make space and time – this could be the beach, your bedroom, in a park – somewhere you will ideally be able to be on your own and not disturbed
3) Sit down or at least make yourself comfortable
4) Turn your palms upwards
5) Relax and take a deep breath – big one in and big one out
6) Notice how calm you feel
7) Please understand that even though you may not fully understand why you want to pray - God does. He knows fully our needs before we know them
8) Also please understand that Prayer may not necessarily alter the “human condition” but it shall help you feel much calmer with your reality
9) Know that even if you have, knowingly or unknowingly, ignored God, He has not been ignoring you
10) Relax in the knowledge that God loves you – just as you are – not as you might be – just as you are, right here and right now
11) Relax in the knowledge that you can trust God – I think of it as all of us being in a maze and only God knows the full picture!
12) Simply be happy to be quiet for a few moments/minutes – it is in listening that we are open for God to talk to us
13) Say “God my heavenly Father – thank you for all that I am and all that I shall be – I ask you for your guidance with (whatever your issue is)" - voice the positive outcome you want to achieve – stop worrying about the issue – remove the fear of the issue - hand it over to God
14) Trust in God to help you through, and finally thank God for helping you amidst your need.
15) As additional thoughts, you may like to say, “God, please help me feel your presence in my life - God, please help me to love you - God, please help me understand your love for me – and God, please help me to know you – renew me – come afresh"
16) If you have a particular need in your life – such as loneliness – thank God for all the friends you have had in the past, all the friends you currently have, all the family members whether or not you are in contact with them, and ask God’s help in filling the gap you are experiencing. I believe it is in being grateful for our blessings that we open our hearts and minds for more blessings each and every day
17) Think about the words of the Lord’s Prayer
18) Please consider praying daily – you will become accustomed to pray on the train, tube, whilst walking or even in a traffic jam – literally anywhere and anytime
19) My daily mantra for myself and others is “God’s Love (or healing Love) is within me, surrounding, protecting, caring and uplifting me – thank you, Heavenly Father, for my health, strength, vitality, my family, friends and my well-being” – I say this even when I am not feeling so good! And trust me, it works - turning bad stuff into good
20) Congratulate yourself – you have begun, or continued, your relationship/friendship with God
I want to attest to the huge power of Vivienne's prayer. In times of physical pain I have experienced relief and felt strengthened. In times of depression, her prayer has uplifted me and helped me make my way back into the light. Through Vivienne-Mary, I feel I have really understood the power of prayer, and even, for the first time in my life, am really learning how to pray. I am so deeply, deeply grateful.
Rebecca Young