
Intercession 1


Heavenly Father, we worship you full of JOY at this time


We celebrate your goodness Father we praise you For your care in providing all we need, In looking after us in difficult times For all creation that Lord God you made For salvation in Christ, that we know Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour For the gift of faith that as we turn to you and trust you we know peace with you God For your word the Bible, through which you speak with us so clearly For our friends and family with whom we can share so much For the world you have placed us in that we can enjoy the good gifts you lavish on us so generously Living God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit we adore you in worship SILENCE Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


As we begin National Inter Faith Week we ask you to direct the people of the world towards harmony and peace - mutual respect and appreciation of one another’s cultures and traditions Make us prepared to learn from one another – let us focus upon the similarities of Faiths and not uopn the differences – let us remember that so many other Faiths also believe in One Omnipotent God - May we show our gratitude for your forgiveness by leading lives of service Giving ourselves humbly and willingly to serve others in need Come and show us yourself more and more Come and shine in our hearts even more brightly through Jesus Christ our Lord SILENCE Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


We ask you Lord to bless, guide and support all who serve you, to inspire their teaching, instruct them through their failures, uplift them with their successes and mature them through their experiences so that in all activity your will may be done. We invite you into our homes and places of work so that all our friendships, business transactions, shopping and leisure times may be opportunities for rejoicing in your love and spreading peace.We pray for those called to marriage and those called to single life-For parents and grandparents, sons and daughters-For acceptance of what we cannot change and strength to live the Christian live in our present situation SILENCE Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


We pray for those whose lives are full of dissapointment, disillusion and discontent For all who struggle with great perseverance in difficult circumstances – we most especially pray for your strength, encouragement and direction for **** ;we pray for those called through death into eternal life receive them with mercy and welcome them in your kingdom – we offer to God our own personal petition with the promise that where two or three are gathered in your name you will grant the request SILENCE Lord in your mercy hear our prayer We asked for strength and you gave us difficulties to make us strong We asked for wisdom and you gave us problems to learn how to solve We asked for prosperity and you gave us dangers to overcome We asked for love and you gave us troubled people to help We asked for favours and you gave us opportunties We received nothing we wanted – we received everything we needed Our prayers have been answered – may our whole beings be filled with your Joy.


Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ – Amen


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Intercession 2


Almighty God, who after the creation of the world rested from all your works and sanctified a day of rest for all your creatures: God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation; grant that we, putting away all earthly anxieties, may be duly prepared for the service of your sanctuary, and that our rest here upon earth may be a preparation for the eternal rest promised to your people in heaven;


Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we your unworthy servants give you humble thanks for all your goodness and loving-kindness to us and to all whom you have made. We bless you for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but above all for your immeasurable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies, that with truly thankful hearts we may show forth your praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to your service, and by walking before you in holiness and righteousness all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory throughout all ages


Lord in your mercy here our prayer


Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to you, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our wills, that we may be wholly yours, utterly dedicated unto you; and then use us, we pray you, as you will, and always to your glory and the welfare of your people; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. O heavenly Father, who has filled the world with beauty: Open our eyes to behold your gracious hand in all your works; that, rejoicing in your whole creation, we may learn to serve you with gladness; for the sake of him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.


Lord in your mercy here our prayer


Heavenly Father, we remember before you those who suffer want and anxiety from lack of work, a home or others to care and love them. Guide the people of our community so to use our public and private wealth that all may find suitable and fulfilling employment, guidance towards suitable and affordable housing and human compassion for those struggling with loneliness and a sense of being unloved. May those blessed with family know their blessings and rejoice. May those alone intimately feel the joy of God’s ever-present and omnipotent love. God of wholeness bring your reassurance and healing, your hope and patience to all who are suffering in any way; we prayer especially for *** in the true and certain knowledge of your omnipotent miracles on earth - bring freedom also to those imprisoned by hate or guilt and a change of heart to all who need to forgive


Merciful Father Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ - Amen


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Intercessions 3


We pray for St John’s That all visitors feel the Love of Christ That our congregation support one another and inspire the local community


Lord in your mercy hear our prayers We pray especially for the people, animals, community and businesses affected by the oil disaster We pray equally for those being blamed and those seeking to blame We pray that only your highest principles of truth will prevail amidst this chaos


Lord in your mercy hear our prayers We pray especially on this Father’s Day for all Fathers – fill them with the love and joy of their family We pray for all disaffected fathers – those estranged, unknown, ill in hospital, needy being cared for by their family, in care homes long since visited, imprisoned, drunk, drugged, divorced, separated and lost We pray for the fathers in the armed forces – for the fathers on the streets here in Hove We pray for those bereaved, grieving or recently brought to being a widower For those those who yearn to be a Father and for those to whom fatherhood is a shock Let us bring lovingly to mind our own dear fathers


Lord in your mercy hear our prayers We pray for those with special needs For those handling their own demons For those struggling with bad thoughts, gossips, slander, anxiety, depression or lunacy For those imprisoned by guilt – by sin or fear – by lack of forgiveness or ability to forgive May we live in ways pleasing to God Look to Christ who is reaching out to set us free And be ever mindful it is God’s grace that truly brings us to salvation


Lord in your mercy hear our prayers As we pray for all those effected by the World Cup We pray that friendship overrides friction Fellowship overrides fame Fun overrides fixtures We pray that all the teams, managers, coaches, referees, shareholders, stadium duty staff, security, police, hotels, cafes, taxi drivers and airport staff are filled with enthusiasm, commitment, companionship, connection and compassion within your magnificent universe - ever mindful that whether or not they succeed or fail – your omnipotent love is ever present.


Lord in your mercy hear our prayers We pray today especially for We pray for the recently departed


Merciful Father – accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ


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Intercessions 4


Gathered together as the people of God, attentive to his will let us pray


Heavenly Father, may your words of truth take root in our hearts and grow to rich maturity. May we hear your will for us and act upon it; may we take seriously our responsibility to encourage and nurture one another in faith at every age and every stage – sow your seed of faith ever more strongly in the hearts of those dear Christians in North Korea arrested/executed for their faith


Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


Heavenly Father, may every act of selfless giving and every search for truth be richly blessed and rewarded; disturb assumptions and lead many to ponder more deeply the spiritual dimensions of their lives. May the word of God reach all who are ready to receive it, and let us set no boundaries here as to who they might be – sow your seed of faith in our hearts and let us be proud we live in a community of acceptance for one another’s diversity manifested yesterday here in Brighton & Hove with the “Pride Parade”.


Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


Heavenly Father, make our homes places of love and growth, welcoming to all who visit them, and accepting and forgiving to all who are nurtured there. Help us through the quarrels and heartaches and remind us to honour one another as your cherished ones – we pray that faith will be in the hearts and minds of those deeply affected by the tragic death of 3 small children in Edinburgh – strengthening and uplifting their confused hearts and suffering souls


Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


Heavenly Father, the rain and sunshine, the growing and harvesting, sing to us of your faithful love, and we offer you our thankful praise for all your gifts to us – however we are mindful, amidst our safe community here, of the flooding perils killing and affecting thousands in Pakistan – lift up their hearts and fill with faith those half million being evacuated to goodness knows where – loving, supporting and guiding them every shaky step forward.


Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


Heavenly Father may all whose bodies, souls or minds are aching know the comforting and strengthening power of your companionship, and the healing work of your love. May we be more ready to support and befriend one another through difficult times, in the name and love of the God we worship. We pray especially for those in our community known to us: We pray also for all who are making the journey through physical death, as they put down earthly things and wake to your presence. Bringing before you the ten aid workers killed tragically in Afghanistan this weekend. Bring us all to share with them your hope of eternal life in all its fullness.


Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


Heavenly Father we pray for your strength in our own lives, especially in those areas we know to be weak and open to temptation; that we may rely more and more on your power so that we live in you and you in us – help the seed of faith take deeper root in us - in faith let us in brief silence share our particular concerns


Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ - Amen


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Intercessions 5


Heavenly Mother Father God, we bring ourselves to you most humbly in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, St Peter and St Paul, the Angels and Archangels and all the hosts of heaven Let us bow our heads in our Holy place God of Wisdom We place before you our Royalty, our dear Queen and her family, those working hard for the benefit of the country, and those in trouble especially needing your forgiving Love We place before you our MP, Gillian Keegan and all the Members of Parliament, embrace them all with your divine wisdom and integrity Give them the strength to fight injustice and inequality Empower all those in power to think and behave honourably Sustain them with your omnipotent wisdom Fill your people with a thirst for love of humanity and remove the hate on social media and our streets – take the hate and caste it away Silence God of Life We pray for guidance – please don’t let us become careless with our Lord Jesus Christ’s love and his message of forgiveness Wasting time on mindless distractions, Awaken us if we become complacent with your message Enable us to be the best that we can be, Help us cling to you at all times including our joys and our sorrows Let us be mindful of what Jesus would do at times of confusion , Always seeking the good in others seeing the world through God’s eyes And acknowledging the good in our lives brought by the grace of God Silence God of Compassion Nurture our aching hearts with the relentless issues across the globe – fires, floods, famine, volcanoes, wars and rumours of wars Let us not be blind to the needs of other nor be lame hearted in helping others nor be deaf to the pain of others Let us feel the discomfort of others Let us give hope to those in need – don’t let us doubt God’s salvation for all Let us take every opportunity to help those in need both near and afar Let us take personal responsibility for charitable actions and not rely on others to do the right thing We pray for all those dear souls who daily rely on others for benefits, the unemployed, those living on the edges of our society. And as we thank God for our blessed lives let us make effort to support the local food banks, the charity shops, Bo School, collection tins on countless counters, TV appeals and our local youths fundraising efforts – small change making big changes in others lives And we pray for the countless volunteers for contributing the greatest resource Time, that their energy and enthusiasm is daily renewed Silence Whilst thanking God for our health and those we care for let us pray for those whose lives are made troublesome by illness and disease – hold in our minds those known only to us and those known in our community And I name; May they feel God’s healing powers manifest in their lives Silence Whilst thanking God for our lives and those we care for let us thank God for the lives of those now departed – holding in our minds those known only to us and those dear souls of our community And I name; We pray their friends and family are supported in these next few difficult weeks In these closing sacred moments let us offer up our own praise, prayers and petitions




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Intercessions 6


Beloved Friends, let us take a few minutes within our new reality in isolation from others physically and pray to our heavenly Mother Father God Let us be fully present mindful that whilst following our Lord Jesus Christ in every way known to us greatly pleases God. Let us greet every day as a new God given opportunity to do good. An opportunity to please God. An opportunity to be seen and known as a true disciple, in our own unique way, with all those we meet during our day including the milkman, the workmen, paper girl or cleaner, the Drs Receptionist, the hairdresser, the butcher, the clergy or local MP Let us leave them all feeling better for having met us – let all be touched and inspired by our way of hopeful thinking, our way of graciously living seeking only to help one another, seeking only to help others in the wider community Let us show God how well we individually and collectively look after this world and let us live in hope that the best is yet to come Help us to be continually kind to others most especially the poor and hungry, break the chains of injustice within our community, help us to treat our workforces with dignity and respect, to be generous with those who owe us financially, and seek never to tolerate oppression of any kind. Never underestimating the need for supporting the Food Banks and Charity Shops and those begging on our streets. Holy Spirit guide our thinking, keeping our minds full of Truth and Love, use us to bring glory to Jesus and help us protect the innocents Lord Jesus Christ be in our words, speaking only of the good we see in others, remind us to pray for those we have difficulty forgiving and support us daily whilst we acknowledge our God designed life God be in our actions, help us manifest your peace whilst we live in your earthly kingdom of heaven, let us be open to the possibilities of making our earthly lives more harmonious by how we act with one other here and now Comforter Holy Spirit, our dear friend Lord Jesus Christ, Loving God we ask for your divine omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotent and healing power be made manifest during such troubled and calamitous times here on earth. Mother Father God we ask you to embrace your vulnerable world, your frightened people and hold us all very close to you Uplift the souls of those dear people dying from this deadly disease Coronovirus, Uplift the spirits of the countless heroes handling these issues, the Drs and Nurses, the Police and Fire Brigade, the Armed Forces and associated organisations helping in any number of ways. Putting themselves at daily risk difficult for us to imagine in any previous times We ask also for your divine principles, honesty, inclusiveness, integrity, respect and peace are made manifest by those in positions of soft and strong power in the UK. May the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ penetrate their thinking seeking only the best outcome for all. We pray for our dear Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, and all her family most especially Prince Charles recently affected by Covid19. We pray for all her dear family those near and far. Let the power of God’s harmonious Love uplift their spirits We pray too for our Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Minister for Health Matt Hancock. May they recover swiftly to lead our dear country out of this shocking deadly pandemic. May their families be uplifted and empowered to go beyond all they may ever have imagined necessary We pray for the countless Volunteers who have enrolled to help others; we ask for your everlasting Love and Strength guide and protect them in the dangerous few months ahead Let us bring before God those known only to ourselves, whom are struggling in mind or body. May all in need of healing feel the omnipotent presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. May they feel uplifted and supported back to full health And let us give thanks for those guardians of the threshold caring for those departing this world, such as the Clergy, Hospice teams, family, friends, drs and nurses may they feel the presence of the Lord when it is time to say ‘goodbye until we meet again’. As God holds the departed welcoming them into the heavenly kingdom let us hold the grieving close to our hearts And in these closing moments let us offer up to God our own thoughts, prayers, petitions and praise Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our saviour, Lord Jesus Christ Amen


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Intercessions 7


Beloved family of our heavenly Mother Father God let us be fully present now in this Holy and Blessed Church mindful that whilst following our Lord Jesus Christ in every way known to us greatly pleases God. Let us greet every day as a new God given opportunity to do good. An opportunity to please God. An opportunity to be seen and known as a true disciple, in our own unique way, with all those we meet during our day including the milkman, the workmen, paper girl or cleaner, the Drs Receptionist, the hairdresser, the butcher, the clergy or local MP Let us leave them all feeling better for having met us – let all be touched and inspired by our way of hopeful thinking, our way of graciously living seeking only to help one another, seeking only to help others in the wider community Let us show God how well we individually and collectively look after this world and let us live in hope that the best is yet to come Help us to be continually kind to others most especially the poor and hungry, break the chains of injustice within our community, help us to treat our workforces with dignity and respect, to be generous with those who owe us financially, and seek never to tolerate oppression of any kind. Never underestimating the need for supporting the Food Banks and Charity Shops and those begging on our streets. Holy Spirit guide our thinking, keeping our minds full of Truth and Love, use us to bring glory to Jesus and help us protect the innocents Lord Jesus Christ be in our words, speaking only of the good we see in others, remind us to pray for those we have difficulty forgiving and support us daily whilst we acknowledge our God designed life God be in our actions, help us manifest your peace whilst we live in your earthly kingdom of heaven, let us be open to the possibilities of making our earthly lives more harmonious by how we act with one other here and now Comforter Holy Spirit, our dear friend Lord Jesus Christ, Loving God we ask for your divine omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotent and healing power be made manifest during such troubled and calamitous times here on earth. SILENCE Uplift the souls of those dear people dying from this deadly disease Coronovirus, or those caught up in wars around the world. Uplift the spirits of the countless heroes handling these issues, the Drs and Nurses, the Armed Forces and associated organisations helping in any number of ways. Putting themselves at daily risk difficult for us to imagine here on a sunny Sunday. Please Help the people of Australia still coping with fires and resultant after effects, those affected by the volcanoes in the Phillippines and the those dealing with the locust damage in Somalia. We pray most earnestly for peace as we approach the 9th anniversary of the Syrian war. Please help the parents handling the horrific news that one child dies every 10 minutes in the Yemen, and the heart ache of families with the ongoing issues of those imprisoned unjustly around the world. We ask also for your divine principles, honesty, inclusiveness, integrity, respect and peace are made manifest by those in power and those whom are seeking power within the ongoing Brexit negotiations. May the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ penetrate their thinking seeking only the best outcome for all Let us bring before God those known only to ourselves, and those known in our community whom are struggling in mind or body. And I name in our community; And let us give thanks for those guardians of the threshold such as the Clergy, Hospice teams, family, friends, drs and nurses may they feel the presence of the Lord when it is time to say ‘goodbye until we meet again’ As God holds the departed welcoming them into the heavenly kingdom let us hold the grieving close to us And I name in our community;


And in these closing moments let us offer up to God our own thoughts, prayers, petitions and praise


Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our saviour, Lord Jesus Christ Amen


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Intercessions 8


Father after your Son was baptised he was driven in the wilderness. We thank you you that we share our baptism with Christ and we ask that we may use this Lent to renew and rededicate ourselves to our baptism promises. May the Church as it too begins its Lent pilgrimage commit to repentance and growth , standing firm against evil in all its guises, and always looking towards the good however it manifests itself. We pray that Chistians throughout the world may walk with Christ in the wilderness to overcome temptation and be empowered by the Holy Spirit.




Father we pray for your blessing on all who administer justice, those working in Law Courts and serving on juries, and those who make laws that they may be given insight and integrity. We pray for your blessing on all in prison or on probation; on those living in acute poverty or in refugee camps; for the persecuted, the exploited and the hungry. For those whom “equal opportunities” are merely words. For those imprisoned by guilt, lack of forgiveness, loneliness, anxiety or fear. The forgotten ones. We pray for all who work among them to heal, redirect, support and encourage. For all who seek to follow your path to peace and reconciliation we ask that you may be their strength when all seems lost.




Father we pray for your blessing on us during this Lent as we examine our lives and draw closer to you, that through our self discipline and daily prayer we may enter your stillness and know your will for us. Father, whilst we journey through the 40 days let us be encouraged whilst we experience some self sacrifice and denial, and pray this daily acknowledgement brings a continuing glorious and humbling reminder of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.




Father we pray for those in our community who are sick in body, mind or spirit, especially…. Lead them into a renewed relationship with you. Father we pray for your blessing on those tho have passed through death, most especially in our community… May we one day share with them eternal life in your presence


In silence Father we bring to yu our individual concerns and joys




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Intercessions 9


Lord Jesus Christ, you were lifted up on the cross for us and for our salvation Help us to triumph over evil and do good We are mindful to continually rise above self interest and to surrender ourselves to God To give ourselves to you as you give yourself for us And to live and work to your praise and glory


Lord of the church may we bring others to know you In knowing you to love you And in loving you to serve you Whom to serve is perfect freedom We pay for all involved in taking the good news to the broken hearted Lord as you give yourself for us lets us give ourselves to you




We pray for leaders of nations, for rulers of peoples That they may work with sensitivity and in humility We are mindful of our Prime Minister as he endeavours to lead the nation out of this financial muddle and prepare for the G20 amidst constant judgement - that he have clarity of thinking and right motives in his heart We pray for nations emerging from tyranny For freedom movements and all who work for liberty Lord as you give yourself for us Let us give ourselves to you




We remember all who have been generous to us All who have shared their resources and their lives We are mindful of the brave young soldiers preparing to leave their families for duties overseas We pray for parents who sacrificed for us For their giving of time and of attention We pray for those who have been denied love For all who have been deprived of well-being We remember today children taken into care Lord as you give yourself for us Let us give ourselves to you




We give thanks for the passion and cross of our Lord for the gift of redemption We pray for all troubled souls, those anxious about their health or their future We are mindful of the suffering parents when a beautiful daughter in York goes missing We remember all that are being persecuted for their beliefs or their principles For all who are suffering at this time especially ……………………………………………….. Lord as you give yourself for us Let us give ourselves to you




Lord give comfort to the bereaved, give courage to the dying We pray for all who have entered where sorrow and pain are no more We are mindful of the suffering expressed in the media this week – of youth violently killing youth We remember loved ones who have continued their spiritual journey into eternal life And we join with them to sing your praises Lord as you give yourself for us Let us give ourselves to you










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Intercessions 10


As we prepare to prayer let us consider the direction of our lives and be open to God’s guidance Summoned by Christ to live his risen life let us pray in the assurance of faith to our heavenly Father Father, your Son called men and women to leave the past behind them and to follow his as his disciples in the way of the cross. Look with mercy upon those whom he calls today, marks with the cross and makes his disciple within the Church


We pray that many may be receptive to God’s calling and acknowledging his authority be prepared to relinquish personal ambitions and plans in submitting our lives to His service




Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


We pray that the leaders of the nations may be sensitive to the needs of their people, just and merciful caring and constructive


Thinking today especially of President Barack Obama who holds a beacon of hope to a troubled world Thinking today of Holocaust Memorial Day being remembered this coming Tuesday with Stand against Hatred campaign – mindful of the 11 million souls so tragically killed Thinking today of the tragedy of Gaza and pray for peace




Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


We pray that all who seek to heal, restore movement, hearing, sight or speech may be blessed as they work in harmony with God, that those they tend may be given courage patience and wholeness


We think especially of Hear us as we remember those who have died in the faith of Christ According to your promises grant us with them a share in your eternal kingdom




Lord in your mercy hear our prayer


We pray that in every person we meet this coming week we may look for the good and be alert to the need; that we may be ready to serve cheerfully without grudging, happy to be serving Christ. Rising above self interest as your Apostle Paul did this very day




Lord in your mercy hear our prayers


Now in the space of silence we bring to God our heavenly Father our own private prayers




Most merciful Father we ask you to accept these prayers through Jesus Christ AMEN


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